Анемия the binding of isaac

В DLC Afterbirth было добавлено около 250 малышей для кооперативного прохождения.


Иконка Название (Англ.) Название Свойства
Black BabyЧёрный малышПоявляется с дополнительным чёрным сердцем.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Азазеля.

Red BabyКрасный малышПоявляется с дополнительным красным сердцем.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Магдалину.

White BabyБелый малышДаёт персонажу вечное сердце при появлении.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Потерянного.

Blue BabyСиний малышПоявляется с дополнительным синим сердцем.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за ???.

Rage BabyЯростный малышИзредка увеличивает наносимый персонажем урон.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Самсона.

Cry BabyПлачущий малышИзредка увеличивает количество слёз персонажа.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Исаака.

Yellow BabyЖёлтый малышИзредка увеличивает скорость передвижения персонажа на 0.15.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Эдема.

Long BabyВытянутый малышИзредка увеличивает дальность, скорость выстрела и ширину слез.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Лазаря.

Green BabyЗелёный малышИзредка увеличивает удачу персонажа на 2.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Каина.

Lil’ BabyМалютка малышИзредка уменьшает размеры персонажа.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Еву.

Big BabyБольшой малышИзредка увеличивает размеры персонажа.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Лилит.

Brown BabyКоричневый малыш

Изредка даёт персонажу эффект брелока Пенни из задницы.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Иуду.

Hive BabyМалыш улей

Изредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Разум улья.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за ???.

Buddy Baby

Малыш Тельце

Изредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Гильотина.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Исаака.

Colorful BabyЦветной малыш

Полностью восстанавливает красные сердца персонажа при появлении. 

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Магдалину.

Whore BabyБлудливый малышИзредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Вавилонская блудница.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Еву.

Cracked BabyРасколотый малыш

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Эдема.

Dripping BabyКапающий малышИзредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Анемия.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Лазаря.

Blinding BabyОслепительный малышПри смерти персонажа активирует эффект карты таро ХIХ-The Sun.

Открывается применением артефакта Пустая карта на карте Солнце.

Sucky BabyВысасывающий малышВокруг малыша имеется аура, наносящая урон врагам.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Азазеля.

Dark BabyТёмный малышИзредка даёт увеличение характеристик персонажу.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Лилит.

Picky BabyПридирчивый малыш

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Каина.

Revenge BabyМстящий малыш

Изредка увеличивает наносимый персонажем урон.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Самсона.

Belial BabyМалыш БелиалИзредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Книга Белиала.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Иуду.

Goat Head BabyКозлоголовый малыш

Изредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Козья голова.

Открывается прохождением Маминого Сердца или Оно Живое в сложном режиме за Лилит.

Noose BabyМалыш петля

Изредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Трансцендентность.

Открывается убийством Мега Сатаны за Хранителя.

Sale BabyПродажный малыш

Изредка даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Распродажа в Стиме.

Открывается прохождением всех боссов с листа достижений в сложном режиме за Хранителя.

Super Greed BabyСупер жадный малыш

Даёт персонажу эффект артефакта Голова Хранителя.

Открывается победой над боссом Сердце Мамы в сложном режиме за Хранителя


Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA
, если не указано иное.



1x. Coming soon
2x. Scat Man (Брысь)Начальные артефакты: Скатол, 9 вольт, Бомбы из задницы, Кишечная палочка, Лучшие друзья навсегда!, Громовые бёдра, Грязные мысли, Загадочная шоколадка.

Нельзя стрелять. Единственный источник урона – Дипы от артефакта Грязные мысли.

Нет Комнат сокровищ.

МамаДоступен изначальноРуна «Факел»

Rune of Kenaz

3x. Turbo!


Игра очень сильно ускорена.

Испытание проходится за Каина.

МамаОткрыть КаинаРуна «Благополучие»

Rune of Fehu

4x. Bloody Mary

(Кровавая Мэри)

Стартовые артефакты: Пакет с кровью, Анемия, Книга Белиала, Сердце ребёнка, Кровавая клятва.

Испытание проходится за Вифанию.

Нет Комнат сокровищ.

СатанаРазблокировать Вифанию, Оно Живое, Пакет с кровьюРуна «Дар»

Rune of Gebo

5x. Coming soon
6x. Coming soon
7x. Coming soon
8x. Isaac’s Awakening (Пробуждение Исаака)Стартовые артефакты: Триединый щит, Мамин браслет, Меч духа.

Нет Комнат сокровищ.

СвидетельПобедить Свидетеля (отсутствует, баг)
9x. Seeing Double ( Видя вдвойне)Испытание проходится за персонажа Иакова и Исава. Иаков начинает игру с артефактом 20/20, Исав начинает с 20/20 и Рентгеновским зрением.

Все монстры и боссы появляются парами.

Возможно баг: В комнате испытаний, монстры не появляются парами.

Оно ЖивоеПобедить СвидетеляРуна «Род»

Rune of Othala

10x. Coming soon

Достижения (секреты)

Цветовые обозначения:
| Персонажи | Артефакты | Брелоки | Боссы | Уровни | Подбираемые предметы | Другое |

Собрать 12 синих сердец (чёрные и бессмертные также идут в зачёт)
Победить Свидетеля.
Собрать 3 астрологических артефакта за забег.
Гипсовая коробка
Победить Агнца играя за Вифанию
Книга достоинств
Победить Исаака играя за Вифанию
Благословенный пенни
Победить ??? играя за Вифанию
Вера Бэт
Пройти комнату вызова играя за Вифанию
Урна душ
Победить Сатану играя за Вифанию
Каменный зад
Пройти комнату вызова играя за Иакова
Победить Агнца играя за Иакова
Лестница Иакова
Победить Исаака играя за Иакова
Право по рождению
Победить ??? играя за Иакова
Красное тушеное мясо
Победить Сатану играя за Иакова
Мясной тесак
Победить Свидетеля Исааком
Гадкое сердце
Победить Свидетеля Магдалиной
Красный ключ
Победить Свидетеля Каином
Победить Свидетеля Иудой
Вечный D6
Победить Свидетеля ???
Птичья клетка
Победить Свидетеля Евой
Ослиная челюсть
Победить Свидетеля Самсоном
Корона дьявола
Победить Свидетеля Азазелем
Маленькая тератома
Победить Свидетеля Лазарем
Победить Свидетеля Эдемом
Потерянная душа
Победить Свидетеля Потерянным
Победить Свидетеля Вифанией
Волшебная кожа
Победить Свидетеля Иаком
Руна Kenaz
Пройти испытание 2x
Руна Fehu
Пройти испытание 3x
Руна Gebo
Пройти испытание 4x
Пси муха
Пройти испытание 8x (в данный момент забаговано)
Руна Othala
Пройти испытание 9x
Членская карта
(в данный момент забаговано)
Песня сирены
Взорвать череп, после убийства Сирены
Старый конденсатор
Взорвать 10 заряжающих автоматов
Гнилое сердце
Войти в труп первый раз
Мега гриб
Победить Свидетеля всеми персонажами в сложном режиме.
Испытание 3х
Разблокировать Каина
Испытание 4х
Разблокировать Вифанию и Оно живое
Испытание 8х
Победить Свидетеля
Испытание 9х
Разблокировать Иакова
Малыш душ
Победить Вифанией Сердце мамы и Оно живое в сложном режиме
Двойной малыш (малыш для кооператива)
Победить Иаковом Сердце мамы и Оно живое в сложном режиме


Описание концовки

(разблокируемый предметуровень)


Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA
, если не указано иное.


The Womb is the fourth chapter of the game, unlocked after beating Mom. From the Womb onwards, all damage taken will do a full heart of damage to the player’s health (unless the player has The Wafer), regardless of the source. Like The Depths/ Necropolis/ Dank Depths, the Womb’s second floor has a preset boss that will always be fought: Mom’s Heart initially, and It Lives after beating Mom’s Heart 11 times.

The Womb has two alternate floors. The Utero, which, unlike alternate floors before it, does not need to be unlocked separately from the Womb, and the Scarred Womb.

From this chapter onwards, floors do not include item rooms or shops, meaning that all item buying must be done before the player leaves The Depths/Necropolis/Dank Depths.


Randomly wanders around the room, firing 4 blood shots in the cardinal directions.I.Blob

Randomly wanders around the room, firing 8 shots in all directions.Attack Fly

Red fly that follows Isaac and deals touch damage.Charger

Slowly moves around the room, charging at Isaac when he gets in its line of sight.Globin

Chases Isaac, dealing a full heart of contact damage. Upon taking enough damage, it collapses into a pile of goo, which can be killed. Will regenerate after a short period of time if not killed quickly.Gazing Globin

Quickly chases Isaac, dealing a full heart of contact damage. Upon taking enough damage, it collapses into a pile of goo, which will slide away from Isaac and can be killed. Will regenerate after a short period of time if not killed quickly.Red Boom Fly

Flies around the room diagonally, dealing touch damage and releasing 6 blood shots in all directions upon death.Maw

Slowly floats towards Isaac, firing blood shots at him when he is in their range.Red Maw

Floats towards Isaac and releases 4 blood shots in the cardinal directions upon death.Host

Stationary enemy that is normally invulnerable. Raises its head up when Isaac gets close, revealing a fleshy stem that can be damaged. Upon raising its head, it will fire 3 blood shots in a spread and lower its head again.Red Host

Stationary enemy that can be damaged even when its head is lowered. Fire 5 spread blood shots when it raises its head.Boil

Stationary enemy that decreases in size when hit, but regenerates to its full size until fully destroyed. Fires multiple short-ranged blood projectiles in random directions when fully swollen.Brain

Slowly crawls around the room, leaving a trail of Red Creep.Mr. Maw

Walks towards Isaac and attacks by launching its head towards him. Turns into a Maw or Gusher upon death depending on the killed body segment. Occasionally separates at will.Mr. Red Maw

Walks towards Isaac and attacks by launching its head towards him. Turns into a Red Maw or Gusher upon death depending on the killed body segment. Occasionally separates at will.Baby

Slowly floats towards Isaac and fires a blood shot at him. Occasionally teleports and reappears elsewhere.Vis

Randomly wanders around the room. Pauses to charge and fire a Brimstone laser when Isaac gets in its line of sight.Double Vis

Randomly wanders around the room. Pauses to charge and fire a Brimstone laser which fires from both sides when Isaac gets in its line of sight.Chubber

Randomly wanders around the room. Pauses to fire a Charger that deals one heart of damage when Isaac gets in its line of sight. The Charger is invulnerable, blocks Isaac’s tears, has limited range, and flies back to the Chubber.Scarred Double Vis

Randomly wanders around the room. Pauses to charge and fire a Brimstone laser which fires from all four cardinal sides when Isaac gets in its line of sight.Guts

Attaches itself to a wall or obstacle and rolls around it.Scarred Guts

Attaches itself to a wall or obstacle and rolls around it, leaving a trail of damaging Red Creep.Stone Grimace

Stationary and invulnerable monster that occasionally fires a blood shot at Isaac. Stops firing when room is cleared.Poky

Slides around the room aimlessly, damaging Isaac by contact. Disappears when the room is cleared.Slide

Quickly slides towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight, then moves slowly back to its original position. Cannot be destroyed.Dople

Mirrors Isaac’s movements and fires blood shots at the same time as Isaac. Can be damaged by spikes.Leech

Quickly charges towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight.Lump

Fires 3 spread blood shots at Isaac when he gets in its line of sight. Will burrow underground and reappear elsewhere after firing.MemBrain

Slowly moves around the room, occasionally hopping and firing 8 large blood shots in all directions. Splits into 2 Brains upon death.Mama Guts

Slowly moves around the room, occasionally hopping and firing 8 large blood shots in all directions. Splits into 2 Guts upon death.Para-Bite

Moves towards Isaac, dealing contact damage. Can burrow underground and reappear elsewhere.Fred

Hops out of the ground and burrows elsewhere, firing 4 blood shots in the ordinal directions. Occasionally fires red Ipecac shots at Isaac.Eye

Slowly turns towards Isaac and fires a Technology laser at Isaac if he stands still or is too slow.Sucker

Flies slowly towards Isaac, exploding into 4 shots in the cardinal directions upon death.Spit

Flies slowly towards Isaac, firing an Ipecac shot towards Isaac upon death.Embryo

Aimlessly hops around the room, dealing contact damage.Moter

Follows Isaac, similar to Attack Flies. Splits into 2 Attack Flies upon death.Walking Boil

Does not shrink or regenerate. Walks around aimlessly and fires multiple short-ranged blood projectiles in random directions.Mask + Heart

The Mask is invulnerable and moves around erratically, charging at Isaac when he lines up with it. The Heart avoids Isaac and fires 4 blood shots in the cardinal directions when Isaac gets near. Killing the Heart will automatically kill the Mask.Stone Eye

Stationary and invulnerable monster that constantly rotates and fires a flickering Technology laser. Stops firing when the room is cleared.Constant Stone Shooter

Stationary and invulnerable monster that continuously fires shots in a single direction.Crazy Long Legs

Chases Isaac, dealing touch damage. Occasionally stops to spit 8 blood shots in all directions.Small Crazy Long Legs

Chases Isaac, dealing touch damage. Occasionally stops to spit 4 blood shots in the diagonal directions.Fat Sack

Slowly walks towards Isaac. Occasionally leaps off-screen and attempts to land on Isaac, leaving a puddle of Red Creep and shooting 6 blood shots in all directions where it lands. Has a chance to turn into a Blubber upon death.Blubber

Walks around aimlessly and randomly spews a cluster of blood shots in all directions. Has a chance to turn into a Half Sack when killed.Pale Fatty

Slowly walks towards Isaac. Occasionally farts and shoots 6 blood shots in all directions. Has a chance to turn into a Blubber upon death.Half Sack

Wanders around aimlessly and leaves a trail of Red Creep.Death’s Head

Invulnerable enemy that moves diagonally around the room, dealing contact damage. Dies when the room is cleared.Mom’s Hand

Falls from the ceiling. If it lands on Isaac, it deals damage and teleports the player back to the spawn room of the floor. Entering a room containing Mom’s Hand will warn the player with Mom’s laugh.Swinger

Slowly moves towards Isaac as its head swings around its base. Upon death, spawns a Maw or a Globin depending on which part is killed.Dip

Slowly dashes in random directions, dealing contact damage.Wall Hugger

Moves around the room like Guts, damaging Isaac by contact. Cannot be destroyed.Squirt

Dashes towards the player and deals contact damage. Spawns 2 Dips upon death.Cod Worm

Stationary enemy that hides in a shell and spews a burst of blood shots if shot at. Only vulnerable when it pops its head out.Dinga

Slowly moves around the room, occasionally hopping to spawn Dips or fire 8 Brown shots in all directions. Splits 2 Squirts upon death.Oob

When Isaac lines up with it horizontally, it charges across the room once. When Isaac is not horizontal to it, it spawns Brains.Rotty

Slowly walks towards Isaac, leaving short-lasting Red Creep behind itself. Spawns a Bony or two Attack Flies upon death.Bony

Wanders around the room and throws a bone at Isaac when he is in sight.Homunculus

Starts attached to the wall or an obstacle. After a while, it detaches, shooting 6 blood shots in all directions, leaving a puddle of Red Creep and chasing Isaac. If it dies while still attached, it will still leave a puddle of Red Creep.Tumor

Moves around the room diagonally, occasionally firing 6 blood shots in all directions. Fires more often upon getting damaged.Nerve Ending

Static enemy which acts as a meat shield.Nerve Ending 2

Static enemy which whips at Isaac if he gets too close.Gaping Maw

Stationary and invulnerable monster that sucks Isaac towards it, along with Isaac’s tears and enemy projectiles.Broken Gaping Maw

Stationary and invulnerable monster that sucks Isaac towards it, along with Isaac’s tears and enemy projectiles. Alternates between active and inactive every couple of seconds. Has a stronger attraction power than a regular Gaping Maw.Grub

Erratically moves around the room like Larry Jr. and charges at Isaac when he gets within its line of sight. Spawns Maggots, Chargers, or Spitties upon death, one for each of its segments.Wall Creep

Crawls along walls to try to line up with Isaac and shoots three blood shots in a line.Rage Creep

Slowly crawls along walls to try to line up with Isaac and shoots a Brimstone laser.Blind Creep

Randomly crawls along walls and shoots three spread blood shots.Round Worm

Pops out of the ground in random locations and spits a blood shot at Isaac if he is in sight.Flesh Mobile Host

Acts like the Red Host, but follows Isaac and deals contact damage.Full Fly

Flies toward Isaac erratically, dealing touch damage. Releases 6 bullets in all directions upon death.Mega Clotty

Slowly moves around the room, occasionally hopping and either firing 6 blood shots in all directions, leaving a puddle of Red Creep, or spawning a Clotty or a collapsed Globin. Splits into two Clotties upon death.Red Ghost

Disappears, then reappears near Isaac and fires a brimstone laser.Flesh Death’s Head

Moves diagonally around the room, dealing contact damage. Releases 6 blood shots in all directions upon death. Can be killed, but also dies when the room is cleared.Mom’s Dead Hand

Falls from the ceiling. Upon landing, it spawns several rock waves that travel outwards. Spawns several spiders upon death. Entering a room containing Mom’s Dead Hand will warn the player with Mom’s laugh.Dukie

Flies around the room diagonally, occasionally spitting out 1-2 Dart Flies.Ulcer

Pops out of the ground in random locations and spawns a Dart Fly if Isaac is in sight. Fires a blood shot after spawning 6 Dart Flies.Meatball

Slides around the room. If Isaac is in sight, it will stop to spew a fountain of short-range blood shots in all directions or to spit a line of damaging Red Creep towards Isaac. Spawns a Host upon death.Poison Mind

Slowly crawls around the room diagonally, leaving a trail of Green Creep.Portal

Spawns various enemies from the current floor until it either vanishes or is killed.Fistuloid

Flies towards Isaac in an erratic waving motion, periodically firing a blood shot towards Isaac that also knocks itself back. Upon death, fires a worm that flies off screen.

Mom’s Heart will always appear in the second floor of this chapter or in the last boss room if Curse of the Labyrinth is active. Once It Lives is unlocked, it will appear instead of Mom’s Heart.


The Womb is the fourth environment of the game. The player will enter it after killing Mom, but only after they have beaten her once before. It is possible to access the Womb before even killing Mom once, by digging down from Depths II using the We Need To Go Deeper! item. The enemies in this environment are mainly worms and other medical things, and their behaviour often involves disappearing and reappearing across the room (e.g. with the Baby’s teleporting or the burrowing behaviour of Para-Bites, Lumps and Fred)

From the chapter The Womb/Utero and onwards, all damage done to Isaac is set to 1 Heart (). Any type of damage that does 1 heart of damage by default (e.g Bombs) will still do 1 heart of damage in The Womb/Utero and onwards. The only way to avoid it is to use The Wafer item, which sets every type of damage to 1/2 Heart ().


  • 1: The room will always appear once in this floor
  • 2: The room will always appear twice in this floor
  • Possible: There is a chance for this room to appear, usually due to certain criteria being met
  • : The room cannot appear in this floor.


Monster Description WotL DLC
SuckerFlies slowly towards Isaac, exploding into 4 projectiles in a + formation upon death.
BoilStationary enemy that shrinks upon being hit. Will quickly swell up if not killed in time. Fires multiple short-ranged blood projectiles when fully swollen.
GlobinWalks towards Isaac, dealing one heart of contact damage. Turns into a pile of goo after taking enough damage, where it can be killed. Will regenerate after a short amount of time if not killed quickly.
Gazing GlobinQuickly walks towards Isaac, dealing one heart of contact damage. Turns into a pile of goo and slides away after taking enough damage, where it can be killed. Will regenerate after a short amount of time if not killed quickly.
BrainCrawls around the room, leaving a trail of red Creep that does one heart of damage.
MemBrainSlowly moves around the room, occassionally hopping and firing 8 large blood shots in all directions. Will split into 2 Brains upon death.
GutsAttaches itself to a wall or obstacle, such as a Rock, rolling around the room.
Para-BiteMoves towards Isaac. Can burrow underground and reappear elsewhere.
FredFires an IPECAC shot at Isaac. Will hop out of the ground and burrow elsewhere, firing 4 blood shots in an X pattern while doing so.
LumpFires 3 fast-moving blood shots at Isaac when he gets in its line of sight. Will burrow underground and reappear elsewhere after firing its shots.
LeechQuickly charges towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight.
Kamikaze LeechQuickly charges towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight. Explodes with a large blast radius upon death.
HostInvulnerable stationary enemy. Raises its head up when Isaac gets close, revealing a fleshy stem that can be damaged. Upon raising its head, it will fire 3 blood shots and lower its head again.
Red HostStationary enemy that can be damaged even when its head is lowered. Fires 5 blood shots instead of 3 when rising, and fires more frequently.
VisCharges up a Brimstone laser when Isaac gets in its line of sight.
ChubberFires a Little Chubby-like familiar that deals one heart of damage when Isaac gets in its line of sight.
EyeQuickly fires a Technology-like laser at Isaac.
Bloodshot EyeQuickly fires a Brimstone-like laser at Isaac.
DopleCopies Isaac’s movements, and fires tears at the same time as him.
Evil TwinCopies Isaac’s movements, and fires tears at the same time as him.
BabyFires a single blood shot at Isaac. Can teleport and reappear elsewhere.
Angelic BabyFires 3 blood shots at once at Isaac, has much more health than regular Babies.
Minibosses (7 Sins) found in normal rooms:
WrathUsually paired with another Wrath. Fires Bombs at Isaac that detonate after a short amount of time, in a manner similar to Dr. Fetus.
SlothUsually paired with another Sloth. Fires IPECAC shots at Isaac, while occasionally spawning Chargers
EnvyUsually paired with another Envy. Moves around the room slowly at first, and then splits into two faster-moving heads after taking enough damage. These heads will split into two more heads with a smaller size and increased speed after taking enough damage, which will then split into the smallest heads that do not split.
LustUsually paired with another Lust. Moves around the room quickly around the room towards Isaac.
GluttonyUsually paired with another Gluttony. He has two attacks, an 8-way blood shot and a blood beam attack, similar to that used by Vis.
Bosses found in normal rooms:
BlastocystHops around the room, firing 4 large blood shots in a + pattern. Splits into two smaller parts upon taking enough damage, and into an Embyro at the end.
Larry Jr.Multi-segmented enemy that quickly crawls around the room, not targeting Isaac. Constantly leaves trails of Poop.
MonstroHops towards Isaac. Fires a large volley of blood shots when near Isaac. Can jump high into the ceiling and land somewhere else.
Duke of FliesFloats around the room, spawning Flies. Spawns multiple Attack Flies and Pooters upon death.
GeminiTwo joined twins that compose 50% of the health bar each. The large twin runs towards Isaac, while the smaller twin fires fast-moving blood shots. The smaller twin will stop firing blood shots upon the larger twin’s death, and instead start chasing Isaac.
FistulaFloats around the room diagonally, splitting into smaller, faster versions every time it takes damage. Smallest versions spawn a Charger when killed.
ChubMoves around the room randomly, charging at Isaac if he gets in her line of sight. Constantly spawns Chargers.
LokiConstantly fires 4 blood shots in a plus or cross pattern, and sometimes in all 8 directions at once. Occasionally teleports around the room. Can spawn Boom Flies.
PeepSlowly moves around the room, firing 6 urine shots in all directions. Can jump towards the ceiling and drop down elsewhere, like Monstro. Can release yellow Creep occasionally. Upon reaching 66% and 33% health respectively, an invulnerable eye will pop out that flies around the room diagonally like Boom Flies.


Differences from previous floors

  • Blood donation machines take away a whole heart instead of half. They can still be used twice for one heart by quickly using them again during Isaac’s invincibility period after taking damage. This can be done because taking a full heart of damage gives Isaac a longer invincibility period.
  • Two of Seven Deadly Sins can be encountered in one room multiple times.


“Judas’ Fez” – Complete The Womb 2 once.
“The Noose” – Complete The Womb 2 two times.
“The Nail” – Complete The Womb 2 three times.
“The Quarter” – Complete The Womb 2 four times.
“The Fetus” – Complete The Womb 2 five times.
“Everything’s Terrible!” – Complete The Womb 2 six times.
“The Wafer” – Complete The Womb 2 seven times.
“Money = Power” – Complete The Womb 2 eight times.
“It Lives!” – Complete The Womb 2 nine times.
“???” – Complete The Womb 2 ten times.
“Mama’s Boy” – Complete The Womb without taking damage.
